Galvenais Sistēmas Vergs -- King of the Jesusphone [Ieraksti |Arhīvs |Citi trakie |Infa ]
Galvenais Sistēmas Vergs -- King of the Jesusphone

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DeepStyle abstractions [28. Dec 2021|21:31]

DeepStyle abstraction

Abstract colors..

DeepStyle abstraction


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DeepStyle abstractions [28. Dec 2021|07:56]

DeepStyle abstraction


DeepStyle abstraction


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DeepStyle abstraction [6. Dec 2021|03:09]

DeepStyle abstraction

Abstract colors. Floral..

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Kaķis [2. Dec 2021|21:57]


Cat photo.

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Frozen Orange [2. Dec 2021|21:25]

Frozen Orange

Colors, Photo..

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PRET [1. Dec 2021|10:35]
Es nevaru vakcinēties, jo man ir alerģija pret totalitārismu.
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

DeepStyle abstraction abstract cat [1. Dec 2021|00:29]

DeepStyle abstraction abstract cat

Painting style. Abstract colors..

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

DeepStyle abstraction abstract cat | Kaķis [30. Nov 2021|23:50]

DeepStyle abstraction abstract cat


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DeepStyle abstractions [27. Maijs 2021|21:16]

DeepStyle abstraction

DeepStyle abstraction

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

DeepStyle abstractions [26. Maijs 2021|07:48]

DeepStyle abstraction
DeepStyle abstraction
DeepStyle abstraction
DeepStyle abstraction

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Kādēļ es neizmantošu «Apturi Covid» lietotni | privātuma aspekts [15. Jun 2020|03:57]
Kādēļ es neizmantošu «Apturi Covid» lietotni | privātuma aspekts - Karsta Dzelzs Laika Terminālis ↳
Ieraksta saite

Floral Abstraction [1. Maijs 2020|04:27]

Floral Abstraction


Floral Abstraction

Colors, linify, abstract..

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Nothing here [25. Apr 2020|10:08]
“Nothing here” ↳

Nothing here
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Abstract Color Sequences #1 [23. Jan 2020|15:45]
“Abstract Color Sequences #1” by blackhalt | Redbubble ↳

Awesome design
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Video TAG [22. Jan 2020|22:25]
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Little Monster [20. Jan 2020|15:27]
“Little Monster” by blackhalt | Redbubble ↳


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Art is everywhere! [19. Jan 2020|00:31]

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

The Hidden Vision of spring | Abstract random colors #12 [9. Jan 2020|09:15]
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Wavy plasma | Abstract random colors #11 [30. Dec 2019|20:07]
Wavy plasma

Digital #Art. ImageMagick, GIMP, GMIC, Own bash scripts, #Linux.
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Activity | Abstract random colors #10” by blackhalt | Redbubble ↳ [28. Dec 2019|11:51]

Digital #Art. ImageMagick, GIMP, GMIC, Own bash scripts, Linux.
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

"Simple rules... | Abstract random colors #9" by blackhalt | Redbubble [27. Dec 2019|21:27]

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Mēēē! [27. Dec 2019|01:28]
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

"Simple rules... | Abstract random colors #8" by blackhalt | Redbubble [25. Dec 2019|16:48]

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

"Liquid Clouds of Dedication... | Abstract random colors #7" by blackhalt | Redbubble [23. Dec 2019|14:26]

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

"Party camouflage" by blackhalt | Redbubble [7. Dec 2019|17:19]

"Party camouflage" by blackhalt | Redbubble

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

All Time Popular by blackhalt | Redbubble [7. Dec 2019|06:35]
Artificial neural style Starry night wild cat by blackhalt #DeepDream Motley Butterfly by blackhalt Fibonacci spiral, linify by blackhalt Solar eyelashes by blackhalt Wave 9 by blackhalt Cat by blackhalt Artificial neural style Space galaxy mirror cat by blackhalt #DeepDreamed Cat v1449127170 by blackhalt Cosmic fractals by blackhalt #DeepDreamed Amulet by blackhalt Lynx by blackhalt Catus by blackhalt Artificial neural style Post-Impressionism cat by blackhalt Artificial neural style Rose wild cat by blackhalt Vortex dragon #DeepDream B by blackhalt #DeepDream Masks 5x5K v1455625554 by blackhalt Abstract fibonacci cats by blackhalt #Deepdreamed Poppies by blackhalt Abstraction #B by blackhalt Wave 9 by blackhalt
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

"Wave 9" by blackhalt | Redbubble [6. Dec 2019|17:19]

"Wave 9" by blackhalt | Redbubble

Ieraksta saite2 komenti|Iekomentē

"Wave 9" by blackhalt | Redbubble [6. Dec 2019|16:27]

"Wave 9" by blackhalt | Redbubble

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Par 13. Saeimas atsaukšanu [6. Dec 2019|08:21]
Centrālā vēlēšanu komisija reģistrē Latvijas Veselības un sociālās aprūpes darbinieku arodbiedrību parakstu vākšanai par 13. Saeimas atsaukšanu

Ceturtdien, 2019. gada 5. decembrī, Centrālā vēlēšanu komisija (CVK) reģistrēja vēl vienu inicatīvas grupu - Latvijas Veselības un sociālās aprūpes darbinieku arodbiedrību (LVSADA) - parakstu vākšanai tautas nobalsošanas ierosināšanai par 13. Saeimas atsaukšanu.

Tādējādi jau esošajai iniciatīvai tiek pievienota trešā iniciatīvas grupa, kura ir tiesīga vākt parakstus tautas nobalsošanas ierosināšanai par Saeimas atsaukšanu. CVK secināja, ka 28. novembrī saņemtais LVSADA iesniegums ir par identisku ierosinājumu un vēlētāju interesēs būtu nodrošināt parakstīšanos par vienu iniciatīvu, nevis vairākām atsevišķām vienādām iniciatīvām, jo tad arī paraksti būtu skaitāmi atsevišķi.

CVK sēdē iniciatīvas grupas pārstāvis Valdis Keris apliecināja, ka iesniedzējiem nav iebildumu, ka šajā gadījumā parakstu vākšanas termiņš tiek pielīdzināts jau reģistrētās iniciatīvas termiņam.

Parakstīties par iniciatīvu vēlētāji varēs līdz 2020. gada 14. novembrim elektroniski portālā vai apliecinot parakstu pie zvērināta notāra, dzīvesvietas deklarēšanas vietā pašvaldībā, bāriņtiesā, kura veic notariālas darbības, vai novadā pie pagasta vai pilsētas pārvaldes vadītāja.

Pieņemot lēmumu par iniciatīvas grupas reģistrēšanu, CVK vērtēja, vai iesniedzējs ir uzskatāms par vismaz 10 vēlētāju izveidotu biedrību likuma “Par tautas nobalsošanu, likumu ierosināšanu un Eiropas pilsoņu iniciatīvu” izpratnē, kā arī to, vai dienā, kad tika iesniegts iesniegums par iniciatīvas grupas reģistrēšanu, nebija spēkā Satversmes 14. pantā noteiktie ierobežojumi, kad nevar ierosināt tautas nobalsošanu par Saeimas atsaukšanu. Atbilstoši Satversmei tiesību atsaukt Saeimu vēlētāji nevar izmantot gadu pēc Saeimas sanākšanas, gadu pirms Saeimas pilnvaru beigām, Valsts prezidenta pilnvaru pēdējo sešu mēnešu laikā, kā arī agrāk par sešiem mēnešiem pēc iepriekšējās tautas nobalsošanas par Saeimas atsaukšanu.

Latvijas Republikas Satversme paredz, ka ne mazāk kā vienai desmitajai daļai vēlētāju ir tiesības ierosināt tautas nobalsošanu par Saeimas atsaukšanu. Lai izmantotu šīs tiesības, CVK jāpiereģistrē iniciatīvas grupa, kurai 12 mēnešu laikā jāsavāc un jāiesniedz CVK ne mazāk kā vienas desmitās daļas (154 868) vēlētāju paraksti.

Ja likumā noteiktajā termiņā tautas nobalsošanas ierosināšanai nepieciešamais parakstu skaits tiek savākts, jānotiek tautas nobalsošanai par šo jautājumu.  Atbilstoši Satversmei, ja tautas nobalsošanā par Saeimas atsaukšanu nobalso vismaz divas trešdaļas no pēdējās Saeimas vēlēšanās piedalījušos vēlētāju skaita un vairākums no balsotājiem, tad Saeima uzskatāma par atsauktu.

Vairāk informācijas par parakstu vākšanas kārtību – Centrālās vēlēšanu komisijas interneta vietnē sadaļā “Vēlētāju iniciatīvas”.

Saeimas atsaukšanas ierosināšana

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

1335472509 - Linux [26. Apr 2012|23:35]

Es laikam sastrīdējos ar sevi.
Jā, man tieši tagad vajadzēja kaut ko instalēt!
Bez /home backupiem.
Bez config failu backupiem.
Nosolījos vispirms notestēt uz VirtalBox, bet nē.
Labi, ka es pusi "kā to izdarīt" atceros no galvas, bet faktiski tas tik un tā ir "nervi beigti".
Labi, ka es kaut kad iepriekš zināju, ka es tā izdarīšu un kaut kādi backupi tomer ir.
Apsveicam uzvarētājus!

Es te laikam šo to arī papildināšu.

Nezināju, ka GNOME 3 tomēr ir tik kruts, ja pareizi safikso.
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Pie Sazerlendiem [30. Mar 2012|04:29]
- Kādēļ ir tie policisti?
- Viņi izmeklē noziegumu.

- Kādēļ pie manas mājas?
- Nu bet Tu pats gribeji būt aktieris!

- Kāds tam sakars ar aktiermākslu?
- Es jau vēl neesmu miris lol!

P.S. Visu es izdomāju.
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Gribu izlikties gudrs [29. Mar 2012|13:04]
Kad man bija viltus meitenes profils, es saņēmu ļoti daudz gudru vēstuļu.

Es tagad necitēšu, bet kādu Pitagora domu varu piemest:


Update: varbūt man tas profils nemaz nav izdzēsts! kaut kad, kad mainīsies IP adreses - iečekošu.
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Tviteris Nr.1332977545 [29. Mar 2012|02:32]
Vajag pieņemt kaut kādu stulbu likumu, kas, piemēram, aizliedz spēlēt spēles internetā pēc 22.00

Gļēvulīga tauta (ieskaitot mani) pildīs likumu (izņemot Latgali :)), nevis izvērtēs vai tas (likums dzīvē) vispār ir iespējams.

Tautas Stress testings.
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Tviteris Nr.1331297368 [9. Mar 2012|14:50]
MMM jūs ved nekurienē.
Padomājiet, ko ēdis visi, ja visi būs MMM.
Kartupeļi neaug piramīdā

... iespējams papildināšu.
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Panaksim lai policija kopē datus nevis paņem mūsu datorus, diskus, fotogrāfijas uz nenoteiktu laiku. [10. Jan 2012|13:30]
Policijai jākopē dati nevis jāņem datori!

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

I am an Apple Fanboy [10. Jan 2012|09:37]
So-called “iPad killer” in order that Android geek to whom Android sucks to begin with user experience sucks whatever gorgeous at the beginning Flash sucks soon profit, during Android is fragmented, I think Steve Jobs was a genius another point is that MacBook Air is just beautiful because best design.

IPhone rip-offs this is why Apple will only get better, overall profit in the end Jony Ive’s incredible design.

Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together why awful user experience, what gorgeous, first gorgeous for one thing profit especially delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich.

Battery life, next pleasure to use, after that iCloud, consequently iTunes makes it easy in the beginning battery drain, for this reason genius, in addition CrackBerry, not enough profit, hardly iCloud.

Android is fragmented, finally Android sucks, despite iTunes makes it easy, exactly because iPhone rip-offs, to delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich but while Steve Jobs was a genius, all in all battery life because of battery drain in spite of profit, eventually so-called “iPad killer”, besides MacBook Air is just beautiful naturally genius on the whole Jony Ive’s incredible design, personally gorgeous at the end awful user experience so that user experience sucks at first profit, in conclusion profit, prior to best design.

Android geek to sum up Apple will only get better and profit, I believe CrackBerry as pleasure to use after Flash sucks so that Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together whenever gorgeous above all gorgeous, so battery drain when genius but gorgeous, but also iPhone rip-offs then iTunes makes it easy, where gorgeous, once profit.

Battery life, therefore user experience sucks particularly Steve Jobs was a genius, on pleasure to use whose Jony Ive’s incredible design while best design suddenly Android geek, when profit immediately profit, I would say that so-called “iPad killer”, while delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich although Flash sucks in the main profit moreover awful user experience, on the one hand Android sucks, nevertheless Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together on the contrary gorgeous, which Apple will only get better, however Android is fragmented, until MacBook Air is just beautiful.

CrackBerry apparently iCloud not only awful user experience, when Steve Jobs was a genius, such a pleasure to use in contrast battery life due to gorgeous as soon as Android geek this includes Android is fragmented as a result best design furthermore profit as well as profit whereas MacBook Air is just beautiful afterwards Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together, for example iPhone rip-offs since Apple will only get better so as to profit, that user experience sucks on the other hand gorgeous for instance so-called “iPad killer”, in my opinion gorgeous, before Android sucks.

Battery drain at last delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich who iCloud thus iTunes makes it easy, owing to Flash sucks, what is more genius generally Jony Ive’s incredible design, nevertheless CrackBerry.

Profit, when user experience sucks, I would say that CrackBerry, such a iTunes makes it easy, while delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich, so that genius, in the end battery drain because of best design, furthermore iPhone rip-offs thus Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together in contrast Flash sucks on MacBook Air is just beautiful, especially gorgeous, so as to battery life naturally awful user experience whose profit to sum up profit, consequently Android sucks, whenever profit for instance so-called “iPad killer”, but while Android geek, after that Apple will only get better, whatever Android is fragmented, when Jony Ive’s incredible design soon iCloud.

Pleasure to use on the other hand profit at the beginning Steve Jobs was a genius, this includes gorgeous, after gorgeous moreover best design I believe iPhone rip-offs, so Android is fragmented before profit, when iTunes makes it easy, until user experience sucks, while Android sucks, all in all Flash sucks, but also awful user experience what is more iCloud as a result gorgeous.

Apple will only get better, prior to MacBook Air is just beautiful, personally CrackBerry, owing to Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together, finally battery drain, at last profit particularly Steve Jobs was a genius, where genius, then gorgeous not enough profit, what battery life because profit eventually gorgeous in addition pleasure to use not only Android geek as well as delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich, who so-called “iPad killer”, although Jony Ive’s incredible design, apparently Android geek on the contrary Steve Jobs was a genius, first gorgeous for one thing iCloud to whom Flash sucks, next profit, in the main profit.

Profit at the end so-called “iPad killer”, in conclusion iTunes makes it easy in order that user experience sucks, above all Jony Ive’s incredible design suddenly genius, afterwards profit as delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich this is why awful user experience that MacBook Air is just beautiful, so that battery life but battery drain another point is that gorgeous, for this reason pleasure to use however CrackBerry.

Apple will only get better, on the whole Android is fragmented, during gorgeous at first Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together, immediately Android sucks for example best design, and iPhone rip-offs why Android sucks therefore delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich, in the beginning Apple will only get better in spite of profit, overall profit, generally Android geek, hardly gorgeous, to begin with profit due to Android is fragmented, I think CrackBerry since battery life despite battery drain, besides profit.

Jony Ive’s incredible design whereas genius, in my opinion gorgeous, once iPhone rip-offs, exactly because Flash sucks which user experience sucks as soon as awful user experience, to iCloud on the one hand Steve Jobs was a genius who best design once Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together, but also iTunes makes it easy owing to gorgeous when so-called “iPad killer”, because pleasure to use this is why MacBook Air is just beautiful, despite CrackBerry generally iPhone rip-offs besides best design I believe gorgeous in spite of Apple will only get better, another point is that gorgeous on the whole gorgeous.

(: Trollem Ipsum - Having trouble finding the right words?
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Prāta FOR cikls [30. Dec 2011|00:56]
Tu iedomājies - suns.

Smadzenes, prāts, atmiņas, fantāzijas paņem tavu `suns` un ieliek savā, tevis nekontrolētā iespējamību ciklā, piemēram:


suns + kaķis
suns + kaķis + bļoda
suns + es
suns + balodis
suns + kaķis uzglūn


Un tas FOR cikls mainās:

suns + kaķis
kaķis + suns
kaķis + suns + desa
desa + kaķis + suns
desa + kaķis + nav suns

šajā vietā suns tiek izmests no atmiņas moduļu laukiem (taču tas nekur nepazūd):

desa + kaķis + piens
desa + piens + kaķis

nobīde, ko varētu izraisīt apzināta darbība:

kaķis + piens
kaķis + desa
kaķis + piens + suns

Šajā vieta ir O! atkal suns!

suns + desa
suns + desa

Es nezinu, kā notiek ieciklēšanās, bet parasti prāts neieciklējas un:

suns + kaķis
suns + kaķis + zb kaķis jau
Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Ваш тип поведения в бизнесе [9. Dec 2011|12:59]
Мой результат теста
- Предприниматель — топ-менеджер.

Ieraksta saiteIekomentē

Hipster Ipsum [16. Nov 2011|14:12]
Fanny pack you probably haven't heard of them gluten-free locavore, terry richardson organic helvetica keytar artisan cliche tofu biodiesel. Stumptown biodiesel etsy, trust fund tumblr vice VHS mlkshk wolf single-origin coffee. Gluten-free banh mi vice retro. Bicycle rights salvia artisan PBR irony freegan mustache you probably haven't heard of them. Next level lo-fi cardigan, williamsburg farm-to-table iphone irony. Portland echo park tumblr food truck, ethical synth +1 quinoa raw denim readymade vegan photo booth mustache lomo. Wayfarers pitchfork banh mi, brooklyn jean shorts mustache beard.

Iphone vegan food truck, helvetica trust fund sartorial retro gluten-free brunch. Pitchfork tattooed brooklyn 3 wolf moon. Ethical cosby sweater VHS, keytar chambray 8-bit fap readymade brooklyn mustache thundercats squid. Thundercats terry richardson vegan, cred portland retro high life carles banh mi cardigan aesthetic next level organic. Raw denim quinoa echo park, retro yr VHS tofu cosby sweater. Shoreditch mustache etsy wayfarers. 8-bit put a bird on it stumptown, tattooed locavore food truck quinoa freegan williamsburg banksy viral yr scenester terry richardson.

Sustainable brunch PBR vegan, art party tattooed mlkshk quinoa readymade gentrify seitan. Echo park artisan mustache terry richardson skateboard. Cliche mcsweeney's DIY, before they sold out aesthetic yr squid brooklyn butcher. Tofu whatever mlkshk, helvetica letterpress tumblr fap next level farm-to-table wolf beard you probably haven't heard of them. Gluten-free photo booth american apparel, brooklyn gentrify blog lomo fixie artisan before they sold out 3 wolf moon quinoa brunch twee. Wolf vegan cred, cliche hoodie raw denim fanny pack viral sustainable irony mcsweeney's lomo fixie stumptown cosby sweater. Vinyl fixie whatever portland, letterpress mixtape fap scenester high life.

Vinyl master cleanse portland, iphone PBR hoodie VHS etsy +1 yr skateboard you probably haven't heard of them. Blog aesthetic beard readymade cliche artisan. Before they sold out whatever terry richardson wes anderson, organic ethical lomo cosby sweater american apparel banksy fanny pack dreamcatcher viral VHS. Viral mlkshk VHS locavore keytar +1. Brunch iphone VHS, locavore fanny pack vinyl keytar vice banksy terry richardson beard vegan. Banh mi wolf next level freegan. Gentrify carles VHS vice, portland trust fund hoodie stumptown pitchfork messenger bag biodiesel leggings farm-to-table chambray.

Mlkshk ethical VHS mixtape, stumptown Austin dreamcatcher marfa tattooed messenger bag master cleanse. Squid synth keytar cosby sweater etsy raw denim whatever, retro skateboard lo-fi fanny pack put a bird on it. Farm-to-table leggings mustache Austin letterpress. Wolf whatever echo park messenger bag, banksy four loko VHS squid. Photo booth art party iphone, freegan irony terry richardson keytar wolf. Gluten-free food truck carles letterpress, brooklyn before they sold out organic. Wes anderson cliche fap 3 wolf moon, vice bicycle rights thundercats scenester farm-to-table pitchfork vegan art party tattooed tumblr terry richardson.

Fap tumblr sartorial vinyl butcher, 3 wolf moon bicycle rights vice ethical banksy twee wayfarers lo-fi fixie readymade. Letterpress american apparel brunch stumptown vinyl, yr you probably haven't heard of them farm-to-table ethical biodiesel. Keffiyeh blog +1 beard locavore cliche, raw denim yr 3 wolf moon. Put a bird on it 8-bit jean shorts beard messenger bag tofu mlkshk art party, scenester squid seitan locavore raw denim. Synth helvetica beard iphone banksy williamsburg. High life messenger bag shoreditch next level. Banksy PBR 8-bit raw denim gluten-free irony, blog shoreditch chambray seitan mustache cosby sweater keytar echo park.

Vinyl put a bird on it cred sustainable. Vice trust fund VHS, four loko wolf salvia pitchfork echo park readymade keffiyeh DIY. Quinoa PBR carles tofu squid master cleanse. Master cleanse next level banh mi viral locavore. Bicycle rights scenester skateboard carles, cred art party jean shorts. Pitchfork wayfarers high life, tattooed irony stumptown terry richardson sustainable synth fap cliche ethical quinoa fanny pack. Single-origin coffee locavore put a bird on it, food truck DIY freegan american apparel keytar squid vinyl lo-fi biodiesel.

Echo park photo booth farm-to-table wes anderson vinyl, fap vice freegan locavore. Helvetica artisan keytar, single-origin coffee letterpress yr DIY shoreditch quinoa raw denim trust fund chambray photo booth. 8-bit cliche freegan cosby sweater, banksy etsy artisan fixie craft beer sartorial irony next level blog master cleanse seitan. Viral PBR locavore, seitan tofu shoreditch +1 you probably haven't heard of them farm-to-table. Trust fund pitchfork readymade whatever squid portland. Biodiesel mixtape brunch, cardigan hoodie freegan american apparel high life irony carles food truck PBR quinoa shoreditch mcsweeney's. Austin shoreditch readymade, high life brunch beard scenester portland retro wolf gluten-free artisan skateboard vegan tumblr.

Synth messenger bag carles wes anderson mcsweeney's, echo park irony brooklyn cliche PBR +1 photo booth. You probably haven't heard of them lomo banksy, fap craft beer marfa butcher cosby sweater cliche. Banksy viral cred four loko sartorial. Leggings cred yr sartorial. Vegan lo-fi you probably haven't heard of them, keffiyeh before they sold out keytar put a bird on it gluten-free cosby sweater photo booth squid lomo PBR portland. Beard photo booth leggings DIY artisan banh mi, twee helvetica stumptown VHS readymade biodiesel you probably haven't heard of them gluten-free. Thundercats synth carles sartorial, brooklyn squid you probably haven't heard of them trust fund echo park.

Trust fund stumptown 8-bit VHS raw denim, messenger bag bicycle rights fixie. Four loko synth terry richardson, dreamcatcher wayfarers whatever iphone 8-bit before they sold out. 3 wolf moon vinyl cardigan, mcsweeney's photo booth retro keffiyeh banh mi wolf fap mustache aesthetic seitan sartorial. VHS trust fund mlkshk, cliche gluten-free bicycle rights wayfarers seitan butcher wolf biodiesel. Banh mi ethical PBR, quinoa viral +1 gentrify cred. American apparel art party marfa mcsweeney's, synth tofu fanny pack mixtape organic beard dreamcatcher readymade irony. Tumblr cliche leggings, high life tofu fap squid.

Cliche tumblr pitchfork, wolf keytar master cleanse farm-to-table DIY put a bird on it tattooed banh mi. Messenger bag butcher gentrify raw denim organic helvetica. Cosby sweater cred you probably haven't heard of them, stumptown trust fund thundercats Austin put a bird on it carles lomo lo-fi terry richardson. Gentrify synth williamsburg, put a bird on it raw denim cred cliche. Sartorial whatever skateboard cosby sweater photo booth. Mustache viral retro food truck +1 high life. Wayfarers leggings mcsweeney's photo booth keffiyeh vinyl.

Cred banh mi scenester, tattooed jean shorts tumblr marfa squid master cleanse ethical retro high life synth locavore Austin. Photo booth bicycle rights quinoa fixie, american apparel before they sold out lomo fap 8-bit. Freegan keytar salvia, cliche stumptown wolf next level sartorial DIY leggings iphone. Blog vice sartorial Austin scenester. Art party brooklyn organic aesthetic. Blog butcher scenester craft beer. Leggings put a bird on it farm-to-table yr shoreditch.

Master cleanse banksy keytar, vice sustainable +1 locavore yr jean shorts. Sustainable skateboard butcher put a bird on it. Tofu pitchfork wayfarers, blog DIY biodiesel farm-to-table banh mi skateboard mixtape scenester put a bird on it. Keytar scenester yr mustache sustainable. Leggings single-origin coffee shoreditch cardigan portland scenester. Pitchfork high life blog cliche cosby sweater beard. Carles four loko +1 iphone sustainable.

Twee vinyl 3 wolf moon you probably haven't heard of them, squid portland wayfarers mcsweeney's salvia art party. Keffiyeh gentrify locavore messenger bag. Scenester artisan VHS, gluten-free raw denim cred blog high life marfa mcsweeney's gentrify chambray 8-bit letterpress craft beer. Four loko hoodie master cleanse, chambray messenger bag gluten-free mustache american apparel 8-bit. Cardigan banksy lo-fi, single-origin coffee gluten-free american apparel twee Austin 8-bit biodiesel four loko. Fap bicycle rights mixtape banksy, thundercats viral +1 lomo salvia single-origin coffee iphone mcsweeney's. Mixtape tattooed dreamcatcher, sustainable hoodie marfa banh mi williamsburg jean shorts keytar carles four loko.

Sartorial mixtape lomo, shoreditch Austin terry richardson carles brooklyn you probably haven't heard of them yr artisan gluten-free. Pitchfork keffiyeh banksy carles, cliche farm-to-table cardigan. Helvetica viral vegan american apparel next level, seitan retro. Gluten-free artisan brooklyn VHS mustache mlkshk. Artisan chambray keytar shoreditch, american apparel hoodie single-origin coffee. Put a bird on it shoreditch retro freegan. Retro jean shorts trust fund, next level 3 wolf moon vinyl terry richardson freegan.

Bicycle rights thundercats vice, hoodie letterpress mustache mixtape gentrify next level marfa. Tumblr salvia VHS, mcsweeney's etsy art party DIY pitchfork fixie retro freegan. Organic art party tumblr, trust fund brooklyn readymade helvetica banh mi. Stumptown cardigan biodiesel blog, squid quinoa messenger bag aesthetic vice lo-fi fixie. Tattooed hoodie tofu sartorial fap, trust fund lo-fi. Trust fund you probably haven't heard of them mlkshk artisan banh mi. Biodiesel quinoa scenester viral, echo park squid beard gluten-free tattooed sustainable portland lo-fi high life.

Vinyl williamsburg sartorial retro. Art party salvia etsy vice, cred next level +1 lomo echo park Austin craft beer. Echo park etsy carles artisan, butcher PBR mlkshk viral mustache organic locavore VHS. Twee cred single-origin coffee, freegan keffiyeh tumblr aesthetic jean shorts photo booth put a bird on it organic vice PBR beard. Quinoa sustainable gentrify, hoodie 3 wolf moon messenger bag bicycle rights keytar sartorial blog put a bird on it etsy gluten-free. DIY cliche cardigan, american apparel gentrify banksy cred irony VHS blog freegan. Photo booth blog seitan, ethical chambray etsy twee fixie.

Hoodie irony portland, williamsburg quinoa four loko single-origin coffee cred bicycle rights beard iphone helvetica mixtape messenger bag. Seitan stumptown dreamcatcher readymade pitchfork terry richardson. VHS carles DIY, farm-to-table irony banh mi fanny pack retro raw denim sartorial fap seitan. Four loko next level VHS, skateboard single-origin coffee irony synth twee master cleanse mcsweeney's yr raw denim. Butcher sartorial vinyl twee. Food truck readymade jean shorts, +1 organic tumblr vinyl brooklyn bicycle rights portland tofu. Marfa leggings bicycle rights, twee put a bird on it chambray 3 wolf moon mixtape.

Tofu keffiyeh irony jean shorts you probably haven't heard of them. Locavore put a bird on it master cleanse brunch messenger bag. Cred 3 wolf moon gluten-free whatever. Etsy four loko lomo, stumptown shoreditch before they sold out VHS craft beer cliche. Portland put a bird on it pitchfork salvia, terry richardson organic banksy. Mixtape viral scenester banksy lomo skateboard, twee you probably haven't heard of them sartorial cliche fanny pack fap letterpress. Tattooed readymade irony beard chambray vegan.

Retro DIY gluten-free, portland next level etsy synth vegan master cleanse organic vice. Raw denim tattooed cred, jean shorts 8-bit tumblr lo-fi. Sustainable raw denim pitchfork brooklyn cosby sweater biodiesel, ethical american apparel. Brooklyn keffiyeh trust fund blog, marfa terry richardson art party salvia american apparel brunch ethical tumblr food truck cred +1. Vinyl cliche master cleanse, salvia before they sold out banksy terry richardson. Wolf mustache twee, williamsburg portland chambray squid wayfarers skateboard vinyl. Bicycle rights salvia wayfarers, sartorial butcher mlkshk skateboard you probably haven't heard of them vinyl Austin.

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